Live your values

In this lesson you’ll learn:

  • An exercise to assess how aligned you are with your values.

  • The importance of knowing what’s going well and not going well.

  • How to move into alignment with your values.

Assessing how aligned you are with your values

It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. Constant demands, deadlines and a never-ending To Do list can leave you with little (or no) time to think about how you’re living. This exercise will help you identify how aligned you feel with your values.

Step 1. Print off the Live Your Values worksheet or write in your journal.

Step 2. Think about how you’re living now (and remember, that includes the 8 elements that make up your whole life) and the values you’ve identified.

Step 3. On the worksheet (or in your journal) write down your values and choose a rating from 1-10 for each one. Where 1 is you’re not in alignment with your value, to 10 being you’re aligned with the value.

Identify what’s going well and not going well

Taking a closer look at what’s going on in your life can be quite revealing. It’s about identifying what’s going well and not going well so you can make an informed decision about what to keep doing and what needs to change.

So, in this exercise, reflect on the number you selected for each of your values and identify what’s going well and what’s not going well. Be as specific as possible because that will help you pinpoint the changes you want to make.

Moving into alignment with your values

Now you know what your values are, the hierarchy of importance, your current level of alignment, what’s going well and not going well - you’re ready for the next step.

It’s time to identify the decisions and actions you want to take to start living in greater alignment with your values. For example, if you work for yourself and flexibility is important but you feel like you’re chained to your desk, what needs to change?

The key with this work is to not get tied up in trying to make epic-sized changes (unless of course, that’s right for you). Small steps taken each day will help you create change in your life.

The end (or the beginning, whichever way you look at it!)

And that brings you to the end of the Values course but the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

You now know what values are and why they're important. You’ve gained greater clarity about your own values and what they mean to you. And you’ve considered how you’re living now and what living in alignment with your values looks and feels like.

The information you’ve learnt and the insights you’ve gained have the power to transform your life BUT that can only happen if you commit to making decisions and taking purposeful action. The next chapter of your life, well, it’s up to you.

Live well,

- Tracey

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