Lesson 3: Define your values
In this lesson you’ll learn:
Why defining what your values mean matters.
What your values really mean to you.
Why defining what your values mean matters
When it comes to values, it’s important to understand what they mean to you. Because while there are dictionary definitions for the words, that doesn’t necessarily help you understand what the words mean to you.
The deeper you go into each of your values, the more clarity you’ll have. And that matters. Because it’s only when you know what your values mean to you that you can look at how you’re living and decide what changes are needed.
What your values mean to you
Print this worksheet or grab your journal and get set to define your values.
On the worksheet or in your journal, answer these 3 questions for each of the values you’ve identified:
What does the value mean to me? e.g. what do I mean when I think about flexibility? (Be specific.)
How will I know I’m in alignment with that value? e.g. how will I know when I have flexibility? (Think about what you’ll see, hear, experience or feel.)
Why is the value important to me? e.g. why is flexibility important to me? (Again, be specific.)
Next step
The 4th and final module is designed to help you understand what being in alignment with your values looks like.
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