Why pausing can help you live well

This might seem like an odd question, but bear with me - there is a point! Would you read a book that didn't have any full stops in it?

I’m not sure I would because it'd be hard going, right?!

You'd have to read the same bits over and over again just to try and figure out what was going on. And that's only if you hadn't given up on the book after the first page or 2!

What is it about full stops that make a difference?

(great question!)

Full stops create a pause.

They mark the end of one thought or idea and give you the space (both literally and figuratively) to consider what you've read and then move to the next sentence.

There's a key lesson you can take from that and apply in life. Any guesses as to what that might be?

I'll give you a hint (actually, I'll do more than that - here's the whole deal!).

Just like full stops in a book create a pause, we need something similar in life.

Because if we don't pause, the days, weeks, months, and years roll into each other and it all becomes a bit of a blur.

You’ll feel pushed and pulled by life and unnecessarily stressed as you react to whatever comes along. You’ll be busy and while some might say you’re successful, you don’t feel fulfilled. And all of that’s frustrating because your dreams and goals have probably dropped down your priority list or completely disappear from your view!

Your life isn't a dress rehearsal

Seriously, your life right now, it’s the REAL deal!

And that's why pausing to review where you're at, what you're doing, and where you're heading is such a powerful strategy. Because remember, without it, life will become a blur and it sure won't feel fulfilling.

I learnt this the hard way (as most impactful lessons often are!)

A significant health scare in my 20s where death had been mentioned (eek 😬) had me realise how caught up I was in the day-to-day hustle and bustle.

There was always something for me to do and because I wanted to please people, I tried to do it all. While I was constantly busy, life was passing me by and I wasn't living it fully. The regrets weighed heavy and I didn’t want to keep carrying them!

While it was awful to be sick for so long and for it to get to such a serious point, once I was through the experience, I was really grateful for it because it kickstarted my obsession with conscious living. (side note: the specialists did work out what was wrong and we got the issue sorted, thank goodness!)

Pausing to really notice what's going on, checking in to make sure I'm on track and that I feel fizzy with aliveness is a priority for me. And that's why I do the monthly RESET workshop for you.

During the workshop, we work through the 4 power steps - review, reflect, release and reset - so you can wrap up the month that's been and reset your focus for the new month ahead. You come away with the session with a plan.

But it’s more than just creating a plan

(although that is important!)

The session is designed to help you gain greater clarity about where you're at, celebrate your successes and acknowledge the lessons learnt, and then set your focus for the new month ahead.

RESET is like a full stop. It's an opportunity to pause and take stock of your life before moving ahead.

Want to live your life more fully? (and get rid of those regrets?)


Then join me in the RESET group - that’s where the session happens + you’ll get regular doses of information, inspiration and the support of a community to help you live your real life well, now.

And BTW, both the group and workshop are free (it's my gift to you 💜)

See you there!