Build your resilience by developing this important relationship

Sometimes life can feel like a roller coaster with more downs than ups 😣 Or like you're being knocked over by wave after wave without time to catch your breath 😥 And it's exhausting, overwhelming and stressful, right? 

And that's why building resilience matters.

What is resilience and why is it important?

Resilience is your ability to cope with and recover from difficult situations.

Now, a difficult situation doesn’t have to be epic-sized (although it definitely might be) - it can be seemingly small things that happen day-in-day-out.

The more resilient you are, the better you'll cope with whatever comes along. And that doesn't mean you won't feel scared or overwhelmed by events in your life. It means you have the skills, tools and strength to process what's happened and figured out a way through.

The more resilient you are, the better you'll cope with life’s challenges

But how do you know how resilient you are, especially the level and quality? 

Because it’s easy when there’s some sort of indicator, like the level of fuel in your car or the charge in your mobile phone. But there’s nothing obvious like that for your resilience level (or is there?).

There are a few ways I measure my resilience and if you were to put me on the spot (gee, thanks!) and ask me what I think the MOST IMPORTANT one is, I’d say…

The quality of the relationship I have with myself. 

So many people (and I’ll put my hand up because this used to be me and I still need to be mindful of it) undervalue who they are and overvalue who they're not. And that’s the quickest way to diminish your strength - your resilience.

But of course, the opposite is true.

When you know, accept and approve of yourself, valuing who you are and what you do, you’ll feel stronger - more resilient.


Well, because you feel more confident to say and do what’s right for you. And that right there makes a big difference when you’re facing a challenge of any size. 

Nurturing the relationship you have with yourself every day is an investment worth making when you consider you’re with yourself your entire life! So, I wonder... 

What's the quality of the relationship you have with yourself like? Do you know, accept and approve of who you are? 

Because remember, the quality of your relationship with yourself either supports your resilience or not.

Let me know what you discover when you answer these questions. You can contact me here.