Being intentional is the key to living well

When it comes to living a life that feels fulfilling, there's one thing more than anything else that's needed. And you don't have to pass a test, be inducted into a secret society or have a gazillion dollars!

It is, in fact, something available to everyone now no matter where we're at or what's going on in our life. Want to know what it is? I hope so because all that self-doubt and second guessing trying to be and do what you think you should is exhausting, frustrating and stressful, right? And I'm guessing you don't want to take all of that into 2020 (or the new decade!).

Okay, here it is...

Live intentionally

I know it can seem too simple to be true but it's a game-changer! And I don't just know that from a theoretical perspective either. After years of pushing hard and feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere, I embraced the concept of living intentionally and every aspect of my life changed, for the better!

(And BTW that's why I created the Live Well Programme and Life Planner)

There are so many demands, distractions and To Do's that it's easy to lose sight of what matters. And when that happens it's as if someone or something has taken over directing your life! Cue feeling frustrated, lost, directionless, unsure, overwhelmed, unhappy, unfulfilled and even depressed or anxious.

Living with intention isn't hard and you don't need to wait for some magical time in the future to try it either. Seriously, you can start now, where you are, by taking some small steps.

Here's an example ... let's say that once you finish reading this email, you'd usually keep scrolling through your Inbox or jump over to social media. The scrolling is a habit. It's probably something you've done for a while and even though it's not entirely useful, it gives you a sense of purpose because you're busy. But all it's doing is masking and adding to the frustration you feel about how you're living.

Living intentionally is about stepping off the treadmill and out of the hamster wheel. It's about freeing yourself from that sense of groundhog day where it's the same thing over and over again. So in the example above, it's about consciously deciding what you'll do once you've finished reading this email.

It's possible to feel more fulfilled and it starts with reclaiming the drivers' seat of your life.

If you want to 2020 to be different, to be better than previous years, embrace intentional living and consciously choose what you'll give your attention, energy and focus to.

Go well!