Me, I’m unique

Yes you are and I am too! 

The key to living your life, your way – really stepping into and owning the driver’s seat of your life – is to know, respect and appreciate yourself. 

But we more often than not undervalue ourselves. We go through life giving ourselves a hard time about what we’re not good at, telling ourselves we’re not perfect or that someone else is better, and on it goes. 

When was the last time you thought about and celebrated YOU? The most common answer I hear is “never”. 

There are many reasons for this. It might be because we think it’s arrogant to recognise our own qualities or to talk about the things we’re good at. It might be we're just too busy to stop and think about it. 

Imagine embracing your uniqueness and stepping into your full magnificence, into your full potential. How would your life be different? 

It’s only when we’re being authentic, truly being ourselves, that we will feel happy and content.

By choosing to do this program I know you’re ready and capable of stepping into your full potential. 


Grab your pen and book. Work your way through the headings below, writing down your responses as you go. Remember to allow your thoughts to flow.


What are your qualities? If you're sitting there thinking "oh I don't have any qualities" - think about it like this. If I were to ask 10 people who know you what qualities they most admire about you, what would they say? Write down all the words and thoughts that come to mind. 

To help you get started, here are some of my qualities – curious, resourceful and determined (some might say stubborn!). 

Extra step… You may wish to ask your family and friends what they most admire about you. You might find some surprises along the way. You might hear about qualities that mean a lot to others that you weren't even aware of. What a gift for you and them!

Talents and skills

Think back as far as you can and then slowly come forward to the present day. Now as you do that write down your talents and skills, the things you’re good at, as they come to mind. They don’t need to be huge and you don’t need to have a qualification to ‘prove’ them. Think outside the box with this exercise!

It could be you’re a good listener, a good organiser, a painter, a cake maker, a typist, a runner or that you grow beautiful flowers. You’ll have gained skills and honed your talents throughout your life, however big or small they make you YOU. 

Aim to list at least 100 things you’re good at. Did you cringe or laugh at that suggestion? I’m serious about that number. And you know what? Once you get going I think you’ll have even more than 100!


We’ve all got things we’re passionate about. It's what we leap out of bed for and we feel highly motivated towards. You just need to think about these things and you smile and feel happy, or your heart races or skips a beat with delight.

First, make a list of what you’re most passionate about. Aim to get 10-12 things on your list. Here are a few of my passions to give you an idea of what I mean… my partner, my family, cooking, tramping, learning and travel.

Once you’ve got your list, you could choose to go even deeper. For each of your passions think about and write down why they’re important to you. As well as using a key word, add a couple of sentences to make it really clear why they’re important. 

Here’s an example… cooking (my passion)

* Creative (key word) - I enjoy creating a meal that looks and tastes fantastic, almost too good to eat! Mixing flavours, textures and colours allows me to express my personality and show off the ingredients I’m using. (explanation)

* Nurturing – Whether I’m preparing a meal for myself or for friends and family, I like the food to be healthy and nourishing. It’s about caring for myself and for those who are important to me.

There are so many things to be learnt from understanding your passions. In modules # 2, 3 and 4 you be painting your future. Adding more of what you’re passionate about will help you create a life you love. Knowing why your passions are important will help you get clear about your priorities. For example, I make fruit & vege shopping a priority each week because healthy and nourishing food is super important to me.

*** Download a printable PDF version of the information and action here ***

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

Live your life as only you can. Your life, your way. - Tracey x