Learn what stops you from knowing yourself

Imagine looking out a dirty window to the view beyond. Now even though you know there's a view out there, it's hard to see it clearly because the window is dirty.

But it’s not that the view has gone away, it just isn't as visible as it could be. And that makes sense, right. It stands to reason that you wouldn't be able to see the view.

Then, if you were to clean the window, you’d be able to see the view clearly (unless of course, you clean windows like I do and they end up looking worse 🤦‍♀️ but that's a whole other story, so let's stay on track!).

A lot of people are questioning who they are and what they truly value. And while that's exciting for some, most people I've been talking with are struggling because they're worried they don't know, they won't get it right or they'll never figure it out. 

Does that sound like you? Because if it does, then this message is especially for you!

Who you are and what you value is like the view, it's always there. 

You do know who you are because it's been within you since you were born. You can’t remove the bit that stores the essence of who you are. It’s soul-deep.

So, if that’s the case, why do people struggle with figuring out who they are?

Well, rather than focusing on trying to figure out who you are, there’s another question to consider first.

What's stopping you from knowing of yourself?

When you understand what’s blocking your view and you start to clear it, you’ll see who you are. Because remember, it’s not gone anywhere and it can’t be removed, it's there.

Your role is to understand the 'noise' that's blocking the view. Things like beliefs, "shoulds", expectations, past experiences and fears. Because once you start to clear those, you’ll see more clearly who you are.

Because remember…

You know who you are. You’ve always been you and always will.

The question is, what's stopping you from knowing? Go ahead and grab your journal and write that one out. And finally, step out from the shadows and fully embrace who you are.