Where do you fit on your priority list?

It’s tempting to race ahead and try to do EVERYTHING, isn’t it? But that just leads to a whole pile of frustration, disappointment and stress, argh!

And I’m picking (although you let me know if I’m wrong) that you’re also focusing on what everyone else needs and wants, and pushing you aside.

With so much to do and so many other people to take care of, there just isn't the time and you don't have the energy to even think about looking after yourself. I know what that’s like, I’ve done it myself and burnt out (several times).

If you burnout, who will be affected?

When you're taken care of, you'll feel stronger, more confident and you’ll flow with life more easily.

Because it’s probably been a while since you prioritised yourself, it’s likely you’ll notice some resistance to begin with. Know that it's just because you're not used to it so it feels strange and unfamiliar. But rather than stopping and giving up, simply acknowledge that it's different and unfamiliar. Because if you keep going, it’ll soon feel normal, as if it’s just the way things are.

Making yourself a priority is a choice - what will you choose?

And when I talk about making yourself a priority it doesn't have to mean racing out and doing something epic-sized (although if that's right for you, go right ahead and do it!). It could mean committing 5-minutes at the start and end of each day as "me time". Or it could be taking yourself on a weekly date and doing something you enjoy.

It could also be speaking more kindly to and about yourself. Complimenting yourself instead of beating yourself up for what you’re not.

If you've got the 2019 Live Well Planner, write your self-care priorities in their (either on the self-care page or in the monthly or weekly focus pages). And if you haven't got the Planner yet, grab your journal or a piece of paper to do that work.

You are worth of your own self-care and kindness. It's not a luxury or selfish to make yourself a priority, it's a necessity!  

Because if you want to live well - and that includes supporting others in your life and at work too - you need to be well taken care of. 

Let me know if you're going to make yourself a priority. And if this feels impossible to you, let me know that too and let's see if we can help you figure out a small step. Email me here.