Have more fun in your life now

Looking to have more fun in your life? Thinking that only others have fun because you’re just not the sort of person who does? Feeling weighed down by your roles, responsibilities and what others might think? Get set to allow more fun in your life now. It is possible.

Here are a series of questions or prompts for you to respond to. All designed to help you get more fun in your life now. Grab your journal or a piece of paper and let’s go!

Have more fun in your life now

What is fun?

Imagine we’ve just met. I’m not from this planet and have no knowledge of human ways or language. I need you to help me understand what fun is.

  • What does fun mean to you?
  • If I was having fun, what would I see, hear and feel? Are there any smells or tastes associated with having fun? Am I by myself or with other people?

What do you do for fun?

It’s time to get super-duper clear about what you love to do that brings a sense of fun to your life. Allow anything and everything that comes to mind to flow out onto your piece of paper. There’s no need to judge or censor your thoughts, no matter how silly or outrageous you think they are.

  • List as many things as you can think of that you consider fun…
  • Which of these fun things would you love to do more of now?
  • What are 3 things you can do right now to have more fun in your life?
  • What is stopping you from having fun now?

How to get more fun in your life

Do you find yourself facing an ever increasing To Do list? There doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get through that list, let alone have any fun. Or perhaps you feel pressure from your roles and responsibilities, the expectations you have for yourself or what you perceive others expectations to be, or perhaps worried that others will judge you.

Your concern is YOU and your happiness. Of course you’ll take into account your family. But it’s about putting you at the top of your priority list. Remember what you’re told when you fly – put your own oxygen mask on first. If you don’t, then you won’t be able to help others. It’s the same in life.

When we’re lacking fun in our lives, the best place to start is by dedicating time to have fun. Sounds crazy, aye. But I promise you this, if you’ve been struggling to make time to have fun, it’s not going to magically change unless you do something differently.

So thinking about what you love to do for fun, commit time each day to do something that makes your heart sing and your soul smile. Whether it’s 5 mins or an hour or more, schedule it.

  • What time will you commit to having fun?

Success tips

Three tips to help you be successful:

  1. If you’re a visual sort of person, create a vision board, a sticker chart or put post-it notes on your wall or mirror. Whatever you create put it in a place where you can see it often. Or if you like to hear things then record your own voice as you talk about what having fun means to you and what you like to do – then listen to it often.
  2. What will stop you from following through on having fun? What can you do or put in place in response to those things that could stop you?
  3. Do you need help or support from someone to make this happen? Let them know what you need and why it’s important to you.

Live your life as only you can! - Tracey x

P.S. Want to explore what having fun means to you and how to get even more of it in your life now? Contact me now to find out how REALiving Coaching can help you.