Let go, it's time

Let go, it's time

- Tracey Hancock

I've had some boxes and bags of stuff, things that I no longer want or need, sitting in the basement for months. They've been sitting there ready to go just waiting for me to take them to the charity shop. It's not the first time I've procrastinated for months about dropping items off at the shop, but this time I decided I needed to understand why I hold back. And I worked it out...

I worried that what I had to give wouldn't be good enough.

It was such a HUGE aha moment when I realised I was holding onto the stuff because I was worried about what others would think. I was telling myself a story, over and over again, that what I had to give would be judged and not wanted because it wasn't good enough.

Well, last weekend I finally did it. After looking at those boxes and bags for months, I finally took them to the charity shop. The staff were lovely and so genuinely grateful. 

While it felt oh-so-good to know the items would be used and appreciated by someone else, I knew there was more to this story. And there was! As I thought about what else there was for me to learn, I realised...

I hold on in other areas of my life because I fear not being good enough, and that I'll be judged and not wanted.

Gosh, that was a biggie. I love how life has this amazing way of providing just the right challenge for us to grow to the next level.

You see while I believe I'm good enough and that I matter, being human means I, like you, have wobbly moments. Bless these moments because they help us evolve. The more we allow ourselves to learn from the experiences we have in life, the more we grow.

Learning and growing is where the magic happens

What started out as a seemingly simple situation - take some boxes and bags of items to a charity shop - turned into a wonderful life lesson.

As we come towards the end of autumn here in the Southern hemisphere, what is it that you need to let go of so that you can more easily move in to winter?

Put aside any fears you might have - whether they're the same as what I experienced or maybe you've got different ones - and allow yourself to let go of what and who no longer serves you well.

It's okay to let go.

It's safe to let go.

Just think about how easily and effortlessly the trees lose their leaves at this time of year. They know it's time to let go and they do.

Beautiful, what is it time to let go of?

Know someone, someone you love and care for, who needs to hear this message too? Please share. 

Tracey Hancock is a coach and mentor passionately committed to helping people live well. Drawing on her own life experience and the lessons she's learnt trying to be and do what she thought was expected of her, Tracey will gently guide you to reconnect with yourself, putting you and your health at the heart of everything you do in life and business. If you know it's time to be you and to live your REAL life, contact Tracey to learn more about the REALiving approach today.