Your Whole Life
When “life” gets talked about, it’s often in the context of life and work. But there’s so much more to your life than that!
You’re about to learn about the Your Whole Life approach. Now, it isn’t about your life from birth to death. It’s about the breadth, the richness, of your life.
Because as you’ll learn, there are 8 elements that make up your life and while each one requires attention, how they ‘fit’ within your own unique life plan will depend.
To learn more about the Your Whole Life approach, download the three key documents by clicking on the links below:
An introduction to the 8 elements. What they are and a series of questions to get you thinking about your own life.
Assessing the 8 elements. Understand where you’re at now for each of the life elements (this is a key step that’s best done before creating change).
Deep dive into each of the 8 elements. In this workbook, you’ll be guided through each of the 8 elements in more detail so you have a greater understanding of where you’re at now, where you want to be, and the changes you’d like to make.